The dreadful week had husband had joined office and I was to deal with the baby..we had a routine like this - baby used to wake up, it was time for his bath.My MIL came up to help me with it...I tried to take off his clothes and at that very moment he used to start crying....I was like shit...what did I do? My MIL used to take him in her arms and moved around a bit..she had this phrase which seemed to work when it came to pacifying the baby "Ram Ram Sita Ram"!! I have no clues how could a 1 week old baby connect to this or may it was her voice that he connected to but he used to just stop crying instantly hearing this.
Once he was quite, she took off his clothes and cleaned was quite all through and I could just wonder how on earth will anyone believe this is my baby who starts crying the moment I touch him :(
Once all was done, I used to try to feed him..for first 10 mins things used to be peaceful but after that the usual irritation and crying used to start again and that got me tensed.I had started to take the supplement but my milk flow was still not the time I could take control of the situation my family members used to come upstairs and take over the baby....asked me to make his formula and start to feed him. The baby had milk and dosed off like nothing had happened. They used to take him along so that I could get some rest but this whole scene had me nervous.
As a mother you feel so helpless when you can't even feed your baby properly and somebody else has to come and rescue the situation.I almost had started to fear that he will never recognize me as his mother since I just end up making him cry and he eventually ends up being fed by others. I had started to feel insecure...I was not able to comfort my baby...I found him happier when he was with others - like his Dad , Grandma, Uncle and Aunt. They all carried him easily...played with him and I used to just end up staring at them wondering...why can't I be so chill about being with him??
I figured out 2 reasons for it eventually:
1. LACK OF SLEEP: I was absolutely sleep deprived - staying up with him at night meant I had hardly any energy left for daytime and it made me feel tired the whole day- a big reason why I used to just sit blankly a lot of times.
2. FEEDING STRESS: The constant pressure that I am not able to feed him myself - this had taken a toll on me.I was constantly worried about how will things get better - every time it was feeding time I used to be super stressed and I think that worsened the situation for me.
I had a good support system with me but in spite of that I was not exactly enjoying motherhood.The change was too overwhelming for me and I found myself not prepared enough to handle things...even though I had read a lot about post delivery changes, how to take care of your baby in the early days, bla bla...nothing was working for me at that time...the reason for that was that I was ignoring myself.
The biggest lesson I learned through all of this was that as a mother never succumb to what people expect from you - you know how you are and what keeps you happy - do not let these situations stress you out. There is always a way to work things out - like in my case since I wasn't able to feed him, I took too much stress as everybody told me that I should be feeding him - but when things are beyond your control - you should go for what's the next best option. Had I been chill about it then, I could have bonded with my baby much earlier and those initial days would have been a part of fond memories but now I think of them as probably the most depressing phase of my life - I was tensed all the time which lead to irritation and eventually depression.
Taking care of yourself is a part of taking care of your kids - I follow this as rule now but it took me more than a month to understand this :)